From the sparrows was born a sovereign, From the ravens was born a monarch. Their domains of day and night could not be more the different, Yet their domains could not be more the same. The sparrow protected the day's creatures, The raven protected the night's critters. Never did their two domains mix, Never did the two meet. Until when... Time came to a stop. The domain of day and the domain of night - Once separate, now united. Thus, was born dusk. In this new domain of dusk, The sparrow and the raven met. They together defended this new realm From the beasts that would besiege them. But, in this stillness of Time, The ravages of the beasts only grew stronger. Time must move again, Or all would be lost. Thus, rather than stand still for an inevitable death, The raven and the sparrow flew. They flew across the expanse of Space, Who guided them to the beyond. There, they would find Time, Chained down by the Great Beast. A great battle ensued, Two birds against many. For their domains of day, dusk, and night, For all the critters and the creatures of their realms, The raven and the sparrow fought the many beasts, Until they could fight no more. The Great Beast laughed, Certain of victory. But the Great Beast had underestimated their efforts, And through the valiant sparrow and the gallant raven's struggles, The chains had been weakened. Time toiled against the chains, As the Great Beast attempted to chain down Time once again. But it was too late, Time had broken free - Time moved forward once more. Now reunited, Time and Space vanquished the Great Beast, Who screamed its last breath. And the raven and the sparrow found themselves back in their realm of dusk. Now, though victorious, a bittersweet parting, As dusk came to an end. The raven and the sparrow said their goodbyes, As the domain of night emerged from dusk once more. But then, a surprise. Dawn would come, bringing with it the domain of day, And the two domains would become one once again. The sparrow and the raven rejoiced. Now joined by the bridge of dawn and the bridge of dusk, The domain of day and the domain of night were linked, Forevermore. From dawn to dusk, Forevermore. From dusk to dawn, Forevermore.
Thank you for reading!
Though not my first attempt at poetry, this was the first piece that I felt was good enough to release into the world.
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